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We dive into Swift's new async APIs and implement async sequences for chunking and decompressing data.

00:06 Today we'll start looking into AsyncSequence. This works like a normal Sequence, except elements are returned asynchronously. By writing AsyncSequences, we can create abstractions of work normally done with streams and callbacks.

00:39 To familiarize ourselves with the concept, we want to see how we can read a large file without a spike in memory usage. For this, we've downloaded a Wikipedia dump in the form of compressed XML. In theory, we should be able to use AsyncSequence to read bytes or chunks of bytes instead of having to load the entire file at once.

01:27 By writing multiple AsyncSequences, we can create separate, composable abstractions of the different operations we need, i.e. reading in chunks of data, decompressing data, and parsing XML.

Synchronous Versus Asynchronous

01:49 We won't do this all at once. We start by reading a plain, uncompressed XML file and counting the number of lines. Let's first do so without using AsyncSequence, but instead by loading the entire file into memory. We do use an abstraction, enumerateLines, because splitting the string on newline characters would take too much time:

func sample() async throws {
    let start =
    let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "enwik8", withExtension: "xml")!
    let str = try String(contentsOf: url)
    var counter = 0
    str.enumerateLines { _, _ in
        counter += 1
    print("Duration: \(")

// 1128032
// Duration: 1.0475530624389648

03:37 It takes a little longer than a second to load 1.1 million lines. Xcode's memory graph tells us the memory usage has a spike of 300 MB. This is typically what we'd expect for this kind of technique: all 100 MB of the source file — and sometimes even much more — need to be kept in memory.

04:47 Now, let's count the lines of the file asynchronously:

func sample() async throws {
    let start =
    let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "enwik8", withExtension: "xml")!
    var counter = 0
    let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: url)
    for try await _ in fileHandle.bytes.lines {
        counter += 1
    print("Duration: \(")

// 919074
// Duration: 0.46244311332702637

05:33 This runs in half the amount of time, and it uses constant memory. The peak is 60 MB, which means the XML file is never held in memory in its entirety:

06:20 We have to use try await in the loop because fileHandle.bytes returns an AsyncSequence of single bytes (UInt8). The appended .lines call converts this sequence into a sequence of lines by iterating over the bytes, doing some Unicode processing, and chunking the bytes between line breaks.

07:22 As we ask for more lines, the lines sequence asks the bytes sequence for more bytes, and the bytes sequence asks the file handle to read some more data. Because this happens in chunks, the memory usage stays constant. If we'd do the same with a larger file, it would take longer, but the memory usage would stay the same.

07:48 In other words, iterating over the lines drives the reading of chunks of the file. This was all possible before, but it was much more difficult to do before async/await.

Compressed Data

08:30 Next, we want to asynchronously count the lines of a compressed file. For this, we have another file containing the same data compressed using the zlib algorithm. And, we wrote a wrapper around the Compression framework. We don't want to waste time discussing how this wrapper works; all we need to know is we can feed it chunks of compressed data, and it returns the data decompressed (or vice versa).

09:23 The Compressor expects chunks of a certain size, so we first have to write an AsyncSequence for chunking the data, and later we have to write one for decompressing the chunks.

Chunking Data

09:48 We create a new AsyncSequence, called Chunked, which takes in a base sequence of bytes — i.e. UInt8 — and a chunk size. For now, we default this chunk size to the buffer size of our Compressor wrapper. To conform this to AsyncSequence, we need to create an AsyncIterator:

struct Chunked<Base: AsyncSequence>: AsyncSequence where Base.Element == UInt8 {
    var base: Base
    var chunkSize: Int = Compressor.bufferSize // todo
    typealias Element = Data
    struct AsyncIterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
        var base: Base.AsyncIterator
        var chunkSize: Int
        mutating func next() async throws -> Data? {

    func makeAsyncIterator() -> AsyncIterator {
        AsyncIterator(base: base.makeAsyncIterator(), chunkSize: chunkSize)

11:58 We can already see how much AsyncSequence and Sequence have in common. Their APIs are basically the same, apart from the Async prefixes in the protocol names and the iterator's next method being async.

12:22 The actual work of Chunked is done inside the next method. Here, we need to call the base sequence's iterator and collect the returned bytes in a Data value until its count matches chunkSize:

struct Chunked<Base: AsyncSequence>: AsyncSequence where Base.Element == UInt8 {
    var base: Base
    var chunkSize: Int = Compressor.bufferSize // todo
    typealias Element = Data
    struct AsyncIterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
        var base: Base.AsyncIterator
        var chunkSize: Int
        mutating func next() async throws -> Data? {
            var result = Data()
            while let element = try await {
                if result.count == chunkSize { return result }

    func makeAsyncIterator() -> AsyncIterator {
        AsyncIterator(base: base.makeAsyncIterator(), chunkSize: chunkSize)

13:18 We get out of the while loop either if the base iterator returns nil immediately, or if it returns nil after returning a number of bytes but before we complete a chunk. If the base iterator hasn't returned any bytes, we need to return nil to signal the end of the sequence. Otherwise, we return the Data we've collected:

struct Chunked<Base: AsyncSequence>: AsyncSequence where Base.Element == UInt8 {
    var base: Base
    var chunkSize: Int = Compressor.bufferSize // todo
    typealias Element = Data
    struct AsyncIterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
        var base: Base.AsyncIterator
        var chunkSize: Int
        mutating func next() async throws -> Data? {
            var result = Data()
            while let element = try await {
                if result.count == chunkSize { return result }
            return result.isEmpty ? nil : result
    func makeAsyncIterator() -> AsyncIterator {
        AsyncIterator(base: base.makeAsyncIterator(), chunkSize: chunkSize)

14:25 In an extension of AsyncSequence with an element type of UInt8, we write a helper to convert the sequence into a Chunked:

extension AsyncSequence where Element == UInt8 {
    var chunked: Chunked<Self> {
        Chunked(base: self)

14:48 Now we can use fileHandle.bytes.chunked to read chunks of data from a file:

func sample() async throws {
    let start =
    let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "enwik8", withExtension: "zlib")!
    var counter = 0
    let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: url)
    for try await chunk in fileHandle.bytes.chunked {
        counter += 1
    print("Duration: \(")

// 32768 bytes
// 32768 bytes
// 32768 bytes
// ...
// 32768 bytes
// 24832 bytes
// 3052
// Duration: 4.718053936958313

15:04 In the console, we can see that all chunks have the same size, except for the last one, which is smaller because it's the remainder of the file's bytes.

15:26 We also see that it takes almost five seconds to read all 3,052 chunks. Clearly, this code is very inefficient. The fileHandle.bytes sequence already reads chunks of a file and returns them as individual bytes, which we subsequently collect to recreate chunks. It'd be much more efficient to read the chunks directly from the file handle, but that's not the point of this episode.

Decompressing Data Chunks

15:54 We have chunks of zlib-compressed data, and now we want to decompress these chunks. So, we'll write another AsyncSequence, and this time, it takes a base sequence of Data and it uses an Compressor instance, configured to either compress or decompress data:

struct Compressed<Base: AsyncSequence>: AsyncSequence where Base.Element == Data {
    var base: Base
    var method: Compressor.Method
    typealias Element = Data
    struct AsyncIterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
        var base: Base.AsyncIterator
        var compressor: Compressor
        mutating func next() async throws -> Data? {

    func makeAsyncIterator() -> AsyncIterator {
        let c = Compressor(method: method)
        return AsyncIterator(base: base.makeAsyncIterator(), compressor: c)

18:44 In the next method, we assume the data chunk size matches up with the compressor's chunk size. If we can receive a chunk from the base sequence, we pass it to the compressor and return the result. If we receive nil, we've reached the end of the base sequence. In that case, we check if the compressor's buffer contains any leftover data. If it does, we return it. If it doesn't, we return nil to signal the end of the sequence:

struct Compressed<Base: AsyncSequence>: AsyncSequence where Base.Element == Data {
    var base: Base
    var method: Compressor.Method
    typealias Element = Data
    struct AsyncIterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
        var base: Base.AsyncIterator
        var compressor: Compressor
        mutating func next() async throws -> Data? {
            if let chunk = try await {
                return try compressor.compress(chunk)
            } else {
                let result = try compressor.eof()
                return result.isEmpty ? nil : result
    func makeAsyncIterator() -> AsyncIterator {
        let c = Compressor(method: method)
        return AsyncIterator(base: base.makeAsyncIterator(), compressor: c)

21:10 Like before, we write an extension with a helper to create a Compressed sequence out of a Data sequence:

extension AsyncSequence where Element == Data {
    var decompressed: Compressed<Self> {
        Compressed(base: self, method: .decompress)

21:48 Now we can append .decompressed to our chunked data sequence, and then we process the compressed file:

func sample() async throws {
    let start =
    let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "enwik8", withExtension: "zlib")!
    var counter = 0
    let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: url)
    for try await chunk in fileHandle.bytes.chunked.decompressed {
        counter += 1
    print("Duration: \(")

// 91568 bytes
// 93325 bytes
// 86739 bytes
// ...
// 87440 bytes
// 41471 bytes
// 1126
// Duration: 2.02048397064209

22:21 We read around 1,100 chunks of decompressed data. We can decode these chunks into strings to see that the data is being decompressed correctly, even if some strings are logically broken due to the data being chopped in the wrong places:

func sample() async throws {
    let start =
    let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "enwik8", withExtension: "zlib")!
    var counter = 0
    let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: url)
    for try await chunk in fileHandle.bytes.chunked.decompressed {
        print(String(decoding: chunk, as: UTF8.self))
        counter += 1
    print("Duration: \(")

23:14 decompressed gives us an AsyncSequence of Data. In the next episode, we can create another sequence, flatten, to combine the chunks back into bytes. After that, it should be easy to read lines or to parse the XML data.


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