Swift Talk # 393

Pretty Printing: Data Structure

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We begin implementing a pretty printing library based on an old Haskell paper.

00:06 Today, we'll start working on a pretty printing library based on an A prettier printer, an old paper about implementing it in Haskell. We ported the library to Swift, and then we came up with a very different implementation. If we were to compare the two approaches, we'd hardly see any similarities in code, but they do the same thing.

00:49 A pretty printer helps us generate structured text by using tree-like data structures. We could use this, for example, to output indented Swift code. The library also allows us to specify multiple layouts, which can be used to optimize the output based on the available space — e.g. a computed property might be printed on a single line if it fits, but if it's too long, the library could choose a version of the property that's formatted over multiple lines with an indented part between the curly braces.

01:45 Anyone who has tried to display code knows that proper formatting makes a big difference in terms of legibility. If we only use standard word wrapping, it becomes very difficult to read the code. This is where the library will come in handy.

Data Structure

01:57 Let's start with an enum that represents a tree-based document:

indirect enum Doc {
    case empty
    case text(String)
    case sequence(Doc, Doc)
    case newline
    case indent(Doc)
    case choice(Doc, Doc)

The enum has cases for an empty value, a string, and a newline. Technically, we could represent an empty value with an empty string, but having a separate case for .empty works as well. The .sequence case concatenates two documents, which results in the first document being printed, followed by the second document on the same line. The .indent case indents a document by one level.

02:49 Finally, the .choice case is used to output one of two documents. This isn't a random choice, rather it's determined by the available space. The library first checks if the left document fits — and we can define what it means to fit. If it doesn't fit, the library picks the right document. For this to work, we have to assume the left document is always wider than the right document.

04:01 The other thing we need is a pretty printing function, which we write in an extension on Doc:

extension Doc {
    func pretty(columns: Int) -> String {

Sample Document

04:19 We can now define a sample document. Let's try to render a simple Swift function that prints the word "Hello":

func hello() {

04:42 We could represent this function using our enum by wrapping it entirely in a .text case:

let doc = Doc.text("""
func hello() {

But the whole idea is to give this some more structure, so we should break it up into more pieces, starting with a .text containing the first line, followed by a .newline and an indented .text of the second line. We finish the document with another .newline and a .text containing the closing curly brace:

let doc = Doc.text("func hello() {") + .newline + .indent(.text("print(\"Hello\")")) + .newline + .text("}")

05:51 To make the + operator work, we implement the following function that wraps the documents on either side of the operator in a .sequence. Having this operator helps us avoid writing many levels of nesting:

extension Doc {
    static func +(lhs: Doc, rhs: Doc) -> Doc {
        .sequence(lhs, rhs)

06:20 For the indentation, it makes sense that we include the .newline in the indented block, because we know that we have to insert the spaces for indentation at the start of a line:

let doc = Doc.text("func hello() {") + .indent(.newline + .text("print(\"Hello\")")) + .newline + .text("}")


07:13 When we try to evaluate a Doc, we'll switch over all the enum cases, but we'll have to keep track of a few things, such as the column width, the current indentation level, and — later on — also the current position. We write a struct to hold all of this state, and since we can also use this struct as a state machine during the evaluation, we add a stack of values that still need to be evaluated:

struct PrettyState {
    var columnWidth: Int
    var stack: [Doc]

    init(columnwidth: Int, doc: Doc) {
        self.columnWidth = columnwidth
        self.stack = [doc]

08:29 In a render method, we're going to process the stack into a string. The first thing we do is check if the stack is empty, and if it is, we return an empty string. Otherwise, we switch over the first document and handle each of the possible cases. For an .empty case, we return an empty string. For .text, we return the contained string. For a .sequence, we need to render both its documents, so that we can push both onto the stack. And because we use the stack array as a stack, we need to do this in reverse order so that the first document will be evaluated first:

struct PrettyState {
    var columnWidth: Int
    var stack: [Doc]

    init(columnwidth: Int, doc: Doc) {
        self.columnWidth = columnwidth
        self.stack = [doc]

    mutating func render() -> String {
        guard let el = stack.popLast() else { return "" }
        switch el {
        case .empty:
            return ""
        case .text(let string):
            return string
        case .sequence(let doc, let doc2):
            return render()
        case .newline:
            return "\n"
        case .indent(let doc):
            return render()
        case .choice(let doc, let doc2):

10:08 In the .indent case, we push the contained document onto the stack, and we call render. We're not adding any indentation yet, but we'll add it later.

10:31 Let's first see if we can actually render anything. We modify ContentView to show our rendered document. We also add a slider so that we can change the column width at runtime. Above the rendered string, we add another string of periods to display the current column width:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var width = 20.0
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                Text(String(repeating: ".", count: Int(width)))
                Text(doc.pretty(columns: Int(width)))
            Slider(value: $width, in: 0...80)

12:03 Before we can run this, we have to implement the pretty method on Doc. We do so by creating a PrettyState and calling its render method:

extension Doc {
    func pretty(columns: Int) -> String {
        var state = PrettyState(columnwidth: columns, doc: self)
        return state.render()

12:27 The number of periods changes when we move the slider. Of course, this width doesn't affect our rendered string yet because we're ignoring the column width. But there's another problem: we only see the first line of the sample function.

13:12 We need to adjust the render method so that it calls itself after each case, because otherwise we stop processing the stack after the first element. After we fix this, we see the entire function, albeit without indentation:

struct PrettyState {
    var columnWidth: Int
    var stack: [Doc]
    var tabWidth = 4

    init(columnwidth: Int, doc: Doc) {
        self.columnWidth = columnwidth
        self.stack = [doc]

    mutating func render() -> String {
        guard let el = stack.popLast() else { return "" }
        switch el {
        case .empty:
            return "" + render()
        case .text(let string):
            return string + render()
        case .sequence(let doc, let doc2):
            return render()
        case .newline:
            return "\n" + render()
        case .indent(let doc):
            return render()
        case .choice(let doc, let doc2):


14:21 To properly indent the text, we have to somehow keep track of the current indentation level. Then, when we hit a .newline, we can use that level to insert the correct number of spaces or tabs.

15:05 The question is, how do we store the indentation level? After we render the first line of our function, we want to indent the line with the print statement. After that, we want to go back to having no indentation for the curly brace. So, rather than storing the indentation level as a property in PrettyState, we should store it along with each document on the stack. That way, the indentation level can be modified for a specific part of the document.

15:40 So we change the stack array to hold tuples of indentation levels and documents. We update the initializer to start the first document with indentation level zero:

struct PrettyState {
    var columnWidth: Int
    var stack: [(indentation: Int, Doc)]

    init(columnwidth: Int, doc: Doc) {
        self.columnWidth = columnwidth
        self.stack = [(0, doc)]

    mutating func render() -> String {
        // ...

16:00 Inside render, we destructure the tuple from the stack into an indentation level and a document. In the .sequence case, we push the same indentation level onto the stack. But in the .indent case, we increase the indentation level by one:

struct PrettyState {
    var columnWidth: Int
    var stack: [(indentation: Int, Doc)]

    init(columnwidth: Int, doc: Doc) {
        self.columnWidth = columnwidth
        self.stack = [(0, doc)]

    mutating func render() -> String {
        guard let (indentation, el) = stack.popLast() else { return "" }
        switch el {
        case .empty:
            return "" + render()
        case .text(let string):
            return string + render()
        case .sequence(let doc, let doc2):
            stack.append((indentation, doc2))
            stack.append((indentation, doc))
            return render()
        case .newline:
            return "\n" + render()
        case .indent(let doc):
            stack.append((indentation + 1, doc))
            return render()
        case .choice(let doc, let doc2):

16:56 We add a tabWidth property to define the number of spaces for each indentation level, which we then use to insert spaces when we render the .newline case:

struct PrettyState {
    var columnWidth: Int
    var stack: [(indentation: Int, Doc)]
    var tabWidth = 4

    init(columnwidth: Int, doc: Doc) {
        self.columnWidth = columnwidth
        self.stack = [(0, doc)]

    mutating func render() -> String {
        guard let (indentation, el) = stack.popLast() else { return "" }
        switch el {
        case .empty:
            return "" + render()
        case .text(let string):
            return string + render()
        case .sequence(let doc, let doc2):
            stack.append((indentation, doc2))
            stack.append((indentation, doc))
            return render()
        case .newline:
            return "\n" + String(repeating: " ", count: indentation * tabWidth) + render()
        case .indent(let doc):
            stack.append((indentation + 1, doc))
            return render()
        case .choice(let doc, let doc2):

17:26 Our slider still doesn't do anything, because we haven't yet implemented the .choice case — but the indentation works:

17:42 If we wrap the entire document in an .indent, we'll see that the function's first line stays at the same place, but the print statement and the closing curly brace will be indented. So the indentation level only has an effect on how we render newlines:

let doc = Doc.indent(Doc.text("func hello() {") + .indent(.newline + .text("print(\"Hello\")")) + .newline + .text("}"))

18:36 We can now print documents with indentation. But the missing piece is, of course, the .choice case. Let's take a look at that next time.


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    Written in Swift 5.9

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